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14 days left to energize voters on critical issues

There are just two weeks left until Election Day, and the stakes this year could not be higher. 

My team and I have had meaningful conversations with voters during our doorbelling events around our district. Each and every person we have spoken to has an issue on the ballot this year that could impact their lives. 

Whether it is the impact the climate crisis is having on their ability to get homeowners insurance; the skyrocketing costs of groceries each week; the impact of the opioid epidemic; or concerns about the Chaos Caucus working to undermine access to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid — everyone has something on the line.

This is not just about one race; it is about mobilizing voters to make their voices heard at every level of government. Every office, from the local to the federal, has a role in making progress where it matters most to Washingtonians. That is why our team is working hard to ensure voters in Washington’s 2nd District and beyond are ready to turn out in full force.

With just two weeks left, we cannot leave anything up to chance. Every day counts, and every resource we invest now could be the difference between success and setbacks on Election Day. We need to make sure voters are not only informed but energized to support candidates who will stand up for their interests — from county offices to Congress.

Together we can ensure that these final few days count. 

More soon,


Posted on October 22, 2024.