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The 1 million Washingtonians under the ACA are counting on us

Health care is front of mind for millions of Americans — and up and down the ballot this year.

As I speak with voters, it is clear that too many people are facing rising costs, attacks on programs like the ACA and Medicare, cruel laws hindering reproductive freedom, and in general uncertainty about the future of health care in this country.

Seeing a doctor and getting the care you need should not be political, but if there is anything we can take from the last few years of hyper-partisanship, it is that we need fierce advocates in Congress to continue expanding access to care, lowering prescription drug prices, and protecting abortion rights.

I firmly believe that everyone has a right to universal, affordable health care coverage — whether that is through Medicare, Medicaid, the ACA, or employer-provided insurance. And I have consistently voted and sponsored legislation to advance that goal.

I am steadfast in my support of the ACA.

In 2009, I backed the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and now, almost one million Washingtonians under the age of sixty-five receive health care through the ACA. These statistics demonstrate that Americans want access to quality, affordable health care.

Last year, enrollment hit an exciting benchmark: a historic 21.3 million people opted for ACA marketplace coverage during the Open Enrollment Period. This statistic includes more than five million people — about a fourth — who are new to the ACA Marketplace and 16 million people who renewed their existing ACA coverage.

In the last 15 years, we have seen the benefits of the ACA and know the importance of protecting health care for all of us – whether it is lowering the cost of prescription drugs, allowing young people to stay insured through their parents until age 26, or helping under- or uninsured folks get the coverage they need to be able to seek medical care. That is why during this Congress, I voted to reduce premiums for 9 million Americans who buy insurance through the Affordable Care Act Marketplace.

With enrollment reaching a record high and millions of American families relying on the ACA for coverage, it simply does not make sense that year after year the Chaos Caucus' agenda is to repeal this landmark legislation.

We must work to improve Medicare for our seniors.

As a long-time advocate for strengthening Social Security and Medicare, I worry about what the Chaos Caucus' proposals would do to the millions of Americans who rely on these programs — especially our seniors. Social Security and Medicare have served as lifelines, providing essential coverage and financial stability to our aging population, folks with disabilities, and lower-income families for decades. These programs demonstrate our shared commitment to ensuring a dignified life for all, regardless of socioeconomic status.

For so many of our most vulnerable, seeing a doctor means utilizing Medicare. That is why I voted to:

These are common-sense solutions that benefit everyone.

The attacks on reproductive freedom have had grave consequences.

I am outraged by the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and the cruel, inhumane restrictions that have been imposed in its absence. This backward ruling strikes a blow to our basic constitutional rights of liberty, privacy, and equality — which is why the American people overwhelmingly oppose the decision. As a member of Congress with a 100% voting record on choice, I will fight hard to codify abortion rights nationwide in federal law. Last fall, I joined a majority in the House to pass the Women's Health Protection Act, which would codify Roe — but Republicans blocked the bill. When Democrats take back Congress, we will make Roe the law of the land.

With the ACA, Medicare, Medicaid, and reproductive freedom under attack by MAGA extremists, we must take back the House to protect vital programs and access to care.

Together, we can ensure access to high-quality, affordable health care that fits Northwest Washington families' budgets.

More soon,


Posted on October 16, 2024.