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As you fill out your ballot, here are a few things to know:

Ballots drop today, which means today is the day 4,844,553 registered voters across Washington will begin casting their votes to determine the direction of our communities and our country.

As you fill out your ballot, here are a few things to know:

If you are registered to vote, your ballot is mailed automatically and there's no need to request one.

You can either return your signed ballot via U.S.P.S. mail (no stamp needed) or at a dropbox. Ballots postmarked by Election Day will be counted.

While today starts the 18-day voting period through Election Day, know that you can still vote in-person. In person services and accessible voting devices are available through your local elections office or voting center until 8:00 P.M. on Election Day

I hope to have earned your support, but regardless of who you are voting for this month, thank you for participating in our democracy. Your voice matters and makes a real difference for Northwest Washington.

More soon,


Posted on July 19, 2024.