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Enjoying, exploring, and protecting the planet

by Rick Larsen

I have earned another key endorsement: Sierra Club's Washington chapter!

Sierra Club Washington State endorses Rick Larsen

The Sierra Club's slogan is "Enjoy, explore, and protect the planet." I cannot imagine a better place in the county to do just that than Northwest Washington. Our district is one of the most scenic and diverse in the country.

From rolling hills, stunning valleys, and beautiful landscapes along the Puget Sound and the Salish Sea to our diverse ecosystem that supports large migrations of shore birds, beloved salmon returns, and the iconic bald eagle. Northwest Washington is beloved by environmentalists and adventurers alike.

Beyond the stunning scenery, our landscapes and natural resources are a key component of our local economy.

The rivers throughout the district have deposited rich soils that contribute to some of the finest agricultural land in the country. Northwest Washington's fertile soil must be cared for and protected.

Further, our district's proximity to the Pacific Ocean makes our coastal communities major economic centers, and we have a responsibility to protect ocean habitats and scenic shorelines through thoughtful policy-making and clean energy innovation.

Sierra Club's Washington chapter is one of 64 chapters across the country that is led completely by volunteers working to achieve a broad range of well-defined conservation goals, like hands-on habitat restoration and active lobbying for better legislation. Their support will help my campaign achieve our environmental goals and dream even bigger for the district.

In Congress, I have made mitigating climate change a top priority:

Washington is a beautiful state, and it is a privilege to work with the Sierra Club's Washington chapter to mitigate climate change and protect our home.

More soon,


Posted on July 15, 2024.