Just announced: Washington State Labor Council
This weekend, I was endorsed by the Washington State Labor Council at their COPE (Committee on Political Education) Convention in Seattle.

Growing up, my dad was a Snohomish County PUD power line worker and long-time member of IBEW Local 77 — an affiliation he wore proudly. As one of eight siblings, his union job quite literally put a shirt on our backs and food on our table.
As the Ranking Member of the House Transportation Committee, I will continue to fight for a robust nationwide infrastructure program that puts people to work building our roads, bridges, and highways.
I believe it is our party's mission to build a better country in which working people know that somebody has their back and they have a seat at the table. It is my distinct privilege to represent union members in Northwest Washington and to have earned the endorsement of the Washington State Labor Council at the COPE Convention.
More soon,